Since you have a web shop, I assume that you assume that your customers are out there on the Internet. Right? I also assume that your customers don’t go on the Internet only to make purchases and then store their laptop/tablet/phone in the kitchen closet next to the plastic shopping bags until the next time they need to buy something. If my assumptions are correct, you have a million dollar opportunity right there.
It would be unwise to restrict your online presence only to your web shop. Through social media channels you can learn the needs of your target group better, interact with them and connect with opinion leaders. In addition, you can make your web shop widely known, build your brand image and guide potential customers to your web shop.
- Find out where your target group spends time on the Internet. For example, if you sell Scotch tape, find out if there are active discussion forums, Facebook groups or blogs for crafters or roadies.
- Follow the discussion for a while to determine the correct way to communicate in each channel.
- Participate in discussion if it relates to your products and the solutions to problems your products could provide. If it serves the audience, link your comment to your web shop. However, don’t push your products on anyone, it doesn’t work in social media.
- If there are no active groups or blogs for your target groups, or if you have enough resources, you can create one yourself.
- Additionally, you can build campaigns (e.g. Google AdWords, Facebook), create content cooperation with the media or send newsletters to your target group.
Building online presence is a cost effective way to add sales but it requires know-how, planning, time and continuous work. Still, I recommend that you use the brilliant opportunity with care.
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