Through Paytrail’s service already 2 billion euros in products and services have been purchased, which reflects the increase of online purchases in Finland.
The first milestone of one billion was reached in October 2014 when Paytrail’s payment service had been in operation for seven years. The second billion was reached much faster than the first billion, which indicates how fast the industry is growing.
"The average purchase amount of payments through our service hasn’t changed much in recent years, but the purchase volumes are steadily increasing. This indicates that the ecommerce industry is growing and paying online is growing in other industries. The ecommerce industry is constantly evolving, which provides consumers an easier, more convenient shopping experience," shares Paytrail CEO, Markus Laurio.
Close co-operation with Nets has also had a positive impact on Paytrail’s payment growth. Nets currently owns 80 % of Paytrail.
To have this kind of online payment volume has supplied Paytrail with valuable knowledge and expertise about Finnish ecommerce.
"We know that online bank payments are still the most popular payment method with Finnish consumers when shopping online. Close to 90 % of last year’s payments were made via them. In terms of online sales, it is still important to offer a variety of payment methods to consumers," Laurio continued.
Payment methods are continuously evolving. Our co-operation with Nets allows Paytrail to continue to offer merchants an up to date payment service.

About Paytrail:
- Founded in 2007 as Suomen Verkkomaksut
- Founded by Lennu Keinänen and Niko Lehtonen
- 6 million Euros turnover in 2015
- Close to 40 employees, headquarters in Jyväskylä
- Paytrail handles payments for over 10,000 online stores/services
Markus Laurio, CEO Paytrail Plc, markus.laurio@paytrail.com, +358 40 840 3754
Lennu Keinänen, Founder & Evangelist Paytrail Plc, lennu.keinanen@paytrail.com +358 44 77 67 827